November 2017
Type Date Publication Producer Coverage
National 4.11.17 The Daily Mail Darting Estate Pfalz, 2016 Riesling, Dürkheimer Michelsberg, Darting Estate recommended in Matthew Jukes’ column. 
National 12.11.17 The Observer and Guardian Online Eymann Toreye, Eva Fricke  Pfalz, 2015 Pinot Noir, Eymann Toreye and Rheingau, 2016 Riesling, Melifluous Elements, Eva Fricke both recommended as ‘old world classics’ avaialble at Berry Bros. . 
National 18.11.17 The Daily Mail Darting Estate Mosel, 2016 Riesling, RK, Reichsgraf von Kesselstatt recommended in Matthew Jukes’ column. 
National 18.11.17 The Times and Times Online Theodorus, Von Hövel, Zur Romerkelter and Von Göler Pfalz, 2013 Dornfelder, Theodorus; Mosel, 2014 Riesling, Scharzhofberg, Von Hövel; Mosel, 2016 Riesling, Beetle, Zur Romerkelter and Baden, 2016 Riesling, Von Göler all featured in Jane MacQuitty’s round-up of the top 100 wines of the year. 
National 26.11.17 The Observer and Guardian Online Peter Jacob Kühn Rheingau, 2016 Riesling, Peter Jacob Kühn included as one of David Williams’ ‘Top 50 Festive Wines’. 
Consumer 1.11.17 Jamie Magazine Hans Baer Pfalz, 2016 Pinot Noir, Hans Baer recommended as a wine for Christmas celebrations. 
Consumer 1.11.17 Food and Travel Magazine Peter Jacob Kühn Rheingau, 2015 Riesling, Hallgarten, Jakob Kuhn selected to pair with a mackerel dish. 
Consumer 1.11.17 Business Traveller Robert Weil Rheingau, 2014 Riesling, Tradition, Robert Weil mentioned as a wine available onboard United Airlines’ flights. 
Consumer 2.11.17 Shortlist Reichstrat Von Buhl Pfalz, 2016 Riesling, Sekt Bone Dry, Reichsrat Von Buhl featured in an article on ‘Rock Star Wines’. 
Regional 1.1117 Various Regional Publications and Online Hans Baer Pfalz, 2016 Pinot Noir, Hans Baer recommended in an article focusing on wines with interesting labels. 
Regional 25.11.17 The Yorkshire Post Stepp Pfalz, 2015 Pinot Noir, ‘S’, Stepp recommended in the magazine. 
Regional 26.11.17 The Sunday Herald and Online Leitz Rheingau, 2015 Riesling, Magdalenenkreuz, Leitz as a low-alcohol wine option.
Online 7.11.17 Hans Baer, Loosen, Wageck Pfaffmann, Stepp, Hans Lang, Bernhard Huber, August Kessler and Lehnert-Veit Henry Jeffreys gives an overview of Pinot Noir production in Germany. Here he recommends: Pfalz, 2016 Pinot Noir, Hans Baer; Pfalz, 2015 Pinot Noir, Villa Wolf, Loosen; Pfalz, 2013 Pinot Noir, Bissersheim, Wagack Pfaffmann; Pfalz, 2015 Pinot Noir, ‘S’, Stepp; Rheingau, 2012 Pinot Noir, Hans Lang; Baden, 2014 Pinot Noir, Malterdinger, Bernhard Huber; Rheingau, 2012 Pinot Noir, ‘N’, August Kessler and Mosel, 2014 Pinot Noir, Piesporter Falkenberg, Lehnert-Veit. 
Online 28.11.17 Bamberger and Sellbach-Oster Nahe, 2015 Riesling, Monzinger Frühlingsplätzchen, Bamberger and Mosel, 2016 Riesling, Zeltinger Sonnenuhr, Ur-Alte Reben Spätlese Feinherb, Sellbach-Oster both selected as two of the ‘best white wines for the holidays’. 
Trade 1.11.17 Drinks Business Schloss Vaux Rheingau, 2017 Riesling, Sekt Rheingauer Reserve, Schloss Vaux awarded a silver medal in the sparkling wine masters 2017.
Trade 1.11.17 Drinks Business Adam Henkell, Menger Krug, Fürst von Metternich, Barth, Reichstrat von Buhl, Markus Molitor, Heymann-Löwenstein, Krack, Griesel, Raumland and Strauch Producers all mentioned in an in-depth look at German Sekt and its potential in the UK Market.